Outdoor activities
Fishing & hunting
All our cottages are located on a fish-filled lake and are equipped with a rowing boat and a fish trap. You can also borrow an ice drill and fishing rods. You should buy the fishing licences on the web site of the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. We can also buy the licences for you, in which case we charge 5 EUR for the service. In Rutalahti there is also a possibility to fish at Rutajoki-rapids, for which you need to pay a special fee (ask us for more information). If you want to multiply your chances to catch a fish, you can try the trout pond at our farm for a small fee (in summer and autumn). Before coming, make sure that there is fishes available (ask us for more information). In Rutalahti there is a harbour for small boats. There is a national hunting area near the cottages (Kivisuo – 6663 Toivakka). For hunting you need a regional hunting permit: eraluvat.fi

There are several nature trails in Leivonmäki National Park and other beautiful natural attractions in the region. In Leivonmäki National Park there are marked nature trails of different length. They start from Selänpohja parking place and from Vartijamäki road. In Leivonmäki National Park you can admire beautiful sceneries: ridges, woodlands and peat bogs. Read more: luontoon.fi Koskikara trail (Koskikarankierros) is a nature trail that begins in Rutalahti village, near the school building, and follows the beautiful rapids of Rutakoski upstream. From the trail there is a connection to Leivonmäki National Park. There is a shortcut from our cottages to the Koskikara trail and Leivonmäki National Park. Ask map and further information from us. Vaarunvuori nature trail with its rugged landscape of lake Päijänne is situated in Oittila, Korpilahti (25 km from Rutalahti). It is known for several endangered species, for instance hazel. The area became famous also for the Vaarunvuori-movement, which managed to make Vaarunvuori a nature reserve. In Toivakka, in the village of Huikko there is a bird watching trail. More nature trails in Central Finland. Read more: visitjyvaskyla.fi. During the summer 2014 a nature trail will be prepared in Kaukola farm under Pukkivuori hill where for instance hop and lime trees are growing wild.

There are marked cycling routes and pleasant roads for cycling. You can rent bikes at Kaukola farm (20€/week). You can find also a MTB-route (mountain biking trail) in Leivonmäki National Park (22km). Find out more: nationalpark.fi
Canoes are an easy way to get around quickly on the lakes. You can rent canoes at Kaukola farm (10€/week).
Cross country skiing and snowshoe walking
There are cross country ski tracks near all the cottages and more tracks in Rutalahti, where you can also ski on lake Päijänne. If the snow conditions allow, the tracks may be connected. In Toivakka village there are also tracks. In the area there are also nice nature trails for snow shoe walking or you can try snow shoes in the nearby forests. You can rent cross country ski equipment and snow shoes at Kaukola farm (5€/week).
Public beaches
At all the cottages there is a possibility to swim but if you want, you can also visit the public beaches in Rutalahti village at lake Päijänne, in Kivisuo in Leivonmäki National Park at lake Rutajärvi, in Nisula close to the village house (”kylätalo”) at lake Päijänne and in the centre of Toivakka village.
Downhill skiing
There are 5 ski resorts in the region (at max. 60 km distance from the cottages). Purnuvuori Hartola 5 slopes ja 1 lifts. Altitude difference 100 m. Laajavuori, Jyväskylä 12 slopes ja 6 lifts. Altitude difference 100 m Riihivuori, Muurame 9 slopesja 4 lifts. Altitude difference 120 m. Häkärinteet, Hankasalmi 13 slopes ja 5 lifts. Altitude difference 103 m. Himos, Jämsä 21 slopes ja 15 lifts. Altitude difference 151 m
There are several spas and wellness centres in the region: AaltoAlvari, Jyväskylä Wellamo Vaajakoski Peurunka Laukaa Laajavuori Kylpylä Jyväskylä